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Stephan Seiler Marketing Professor Imperial College London
The Sequential Search Model: A Framework for Empirical Research
(contains code to simulate search data and estimation code for a set of different estimators:
crude frequency & kernel-smoothed estimators, GHK, importance sampling, as well as
code for 3 alternative methods to compute reservation utilities)
Estimating Preference Heterogeneity in Markets with Costly Search
zip-file (contains simulated data and code, data used in the paper is not publicly available)
The Impact of Soda Taxes: Pass-through, Tax Avoidance, and Nutritional Effects
Online Appendix
Does Online Word-of-Mouth Increase Demand? (and How?) Evidence from a Natural Experiment
zip-file (contains microblogging data and do-files, ratings data is not publicly available)
The Impact of Advertising Along the Conversion Funnel
zip-file (contains data and do-files)
Multi-Category Competition and Market Power: A Model of Supermarket Pricing
Online Appendix
Estimating Search Benefits from Path-tracking Data: Measurement and Determinants
zip-file (contains data, do-files and readme-file with description)
Free to Choose? Reform, Choice, and Consideration Sets in the English National Health Service
zip-file (contains do-files and readme-file with description, data is available from NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care)
Online Appendix
Cumulative Growth in User-Generated Content Production: Evidence from Wikipedia
zip-file (contains data, do-files and readme-file with description)
Online Appendix
The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public Hospitals
zip-file (contains data, do-files and readme-file with description)
Online Appendix
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